Daddy Aioli Gato: Who Is He? Animal cruelty awareness video from a fitness enthusiast is popular on Twitter and TikTok.


According to his TikTok bio, Daddy Aioli is a gym lover who is working on attaining an anime physique. He has 1.7 million followers on his TikTok account.

Who is Daddyaioligato on Twitter?

Daddyaioligato on Twitter account was recently created in July. It is not an original Daddy aioli account but the purpose of creating this account is to share Daddy aioli videos.

This account has acquired 188 followers and he is not following any account yet. He has posted 11 tweets until now.

What is Daddyaioligato TikTok Viral Video?

Daddyaioligato’s TikTok video is getting viral today. In the viral video, you can watch daddy aioli pick up an innocent cat and then start hitting her badly. After that, he throws that cat away. It was totally a bad act and all of his followers are bashing Daddy for this inhuman act.

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