(Watch) Groom plays video of bride having S3kz with brother-in-law on their wedding day

(Watch) Groom plays video of

bride having S3kz with brother-in-

law on their wedding day

Where you might expect a compilation of

photos or videos of the couple throughout their

relationship, the groom had a different idea.

Instead, the groom decided it was time to

expose his cheating bride by playing a video of

her naked wife in bed with the husband of her

pregnant sister.

To publicly humiliate his unfaithful fiancée, the

groom had the five-minute sex tape between

the bride and her brother-in-law play out in

front of family and friends at the ceremony.

The unverified footage, believed to have been

shot by a wedding guest, has been making the

rounds on several Chinese media outlets,

causing outrage among web users. As the MC

announced, "now we are going to show you the

videos of how the newlyweds grew up," the

groom had set up a different video to expose

his wife.

The moment the video begins to play, the

groom shoves his bride before he shouted "You

thought I didn't know?", She retaliates by

throwing her bouquet at him.

The moment the video begins to play, the

groom shoves his bride before he shouted "You

thought I didn't know?". She retaliates by

throwing her bouquet at him.

While this appears to be a shocking turn of

events and an instance of revenge, some

speculate that the entire incident was staged

and was a sophisticated, malicious marketing


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