Spice Tape measurement video – Spice features male nudity in new music video

Spice Tape measurement

Spice Tape measurement video

Spice features male nudity in new music video So Spice is named the Queen of Dancehall for a cause. She has the flexibility to ship shockwaves by way of social media due to her risque method. She didn’t let followers down this time round both, as her 23-second lengthy preview for her single “Tape Measure” left followers buzzing. Particularly after she is seen within the clip measuring some male fashions’ eggplants actually.

Spice features male nudity in new music

The male models are seen posing with their pants below their waist with their penis exposed, while being measured with a measuring tape by Spice. After days of teasing, Dancehall Queen Spice set fire to social media following the release of a 23-second long preview for her single ‘Tape Measure.


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