Critical 9/11 moments were captured on tape; this is a rare 9/11 ground zero footage.

video from ground zero on 9/11

Video Camera Captured Critical Moments of 9/11

9/11 terror attack captured by NYU student Caroline DriesLeer en EspañolSign up to our free US Evening Headlines emailEmailI would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice “Americans who were still in school on 11 September, 2001 remember the moment they learned the country was under attack. For some, that moment was memorialised on video.

Rare video from ground zero on 9/11

Twenty years ago, a video camera was not something everyone had on their phone, so footage of these experiences is not as common as it would be today. But for those few students who brought camcorders to school that day, their shock has been preserved in history.

video was filmed by Caroline Dries

One such video was filmed by Caroline Dries, who was a student at New York University at the time. In 2011, Ms Dries told different social media “she grabbed the camera after hearing the sound of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center. When her video begins, black smoke is already billowing out of the north tower watch video ⬇️

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