Colombian judge suspended for showing up half naked to Zoom court hearing

 A Colombian judge notorious for sharing racy photos of herself on social media was handed a three-month suspension this week for appearing half-naked and smoking in bed during a virtual court hearing. 

Colombian judge caught smoking in bed during Zoom call

Judge Vivian Polania, who is notorious for sharing racy photos of herself on social media, presided over a recent online hearing for a criminal case, wearing lingerie and puffing on a cigarette. 

On Tuesday November 22 the Judicial Disciplinary Commission in Norte de Santander ruled that Judge Polania violated multiple regulations and handed her a 90-day suspension for showing too much skin during a virtual session.

The now-viral clip appears to show the judge from Cucuta lounging in a top and her underwear as she puffs on a cigarette and debates during the virtual hearing over whether a man who was being held over a car bomb terror attack should be granted bail.

Click this link to watch the video 

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