Who is Jennifer Rourke? jeann lugo viral video, Jennifer Rourke twitter video

jeann lugo video

An off-duty police officer named Jeann Lugo is accused of punching his opponent for Rhode Island’s state Senate at an abortion protest.

Jennifer Rourke, who is running against Lugo, shared the video on Twitter on June 25, 2022. The incident occurred as protests grew throughout the country following

jennifer rourke twitter

the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.Update: Lugo has now been charged with simple assault and disorderly conduct, according to

On Twitter, Lugo describes himself as “Father, builder, and currently serving as a Providence Police Officer.

I’m a reproductive rights organizer & State Senate candidate. Last night, after speaking at our Roe rally, my Republican opponent – a police officer – violently attacked me.

jennifer rourke full video

According to the Providence Journal, hundreds of people rallied at the Rhode Island State Capitol to protest the Roe v. Wade overturning decision.

The newspaper reported that chaos erupted at the protest, writing that “conflict emerged during the evening after apparent counterprotesters entered the area.

Providence RI Cop Jeann Lugo Punches

The Providence Journal asked Lugo about Rourke’s allegation. “I’m not going to deny,” Lugo responded to the newspaper. “It was very chaotic, so I can’t really tell you right now.

Everything happened very fast.”According to the Journal, Lugo claims that Rourke “became physical” with him first, which she denies. Lugo was not arrested, according to the newspaper, which quoted Rourke as saying.null

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