atatiana jefferson video – shooting Atatiana Jefferson – Black woman killed by white officer

atatiana jefferson video

Aaron Dean found guilty of manslaughter in death of Atatiana Jefferson Aaron Dean convicted of manslaughter in Texas for killing Atatiana Jefferson in 2019.

A White former police officer was convicted of manslaughter Thursday in Texas for killing a Black woman in 2019.

Aaron Dean was charged with murder for fatally shooting Atatiana Jefferson while responding to a call about an open front door at her house.

death of Atatiana Jefferson

the jury was given the option to consider the lesser charge in their deliberations. Watch the judge read the verdict and poll the jury.

Texas cop never ID’d himself as police before fatally shooting Atatiana Jefferson.

A white police officer responding to a call early Saturday for a welfare check at a home in Fort Worth, Texas, fired a shot into a bedroom window, striking and killing a 28-year-old black woman who a neighbor said was not a threat.

shooting Atatiana Jefferson 

Relatives of the woman who was fatally shot identified her as Atatiana Jefferson, and said she worked as a human resources officer for a Fort Worth company and that she lived in the home with an 8-year-old nephew,

Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA reported.During a news conference on Sunday afternoon, Fort Worth Police Lt. Brandon O’Neil said the officer who opened fire on Jefferson never identified himself as a police officer.

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