How To Use Chat gpt ?

Last Updated on February 3, 2023

It can be incredibly handy to know how to use Chat GPT on mobile.

OpenAI’s chatbot has taken the world by storm, prompting endless news stories and internet buzz. Servers are frequently reaching capacity, and many are wondering if it is possible to access the service away from their laptops or PCs. Well, the good news is that it is super easy to use Chat GPT on your mobile. In fact, it’s basically exactly the same as using it on a desktop. Open your mobile browser – Safari, Google or any other search engine – and head to OpenAI’s website. There, you’ll find the ChatGPT model, which you can use as if you were on a desktop search engine.

Sadly, there’s no app available for Chat GPT just yet. So the process of using the chatbot on your mobile is not as streamlined as it could be. But we have our fingers crossed that the brains at OpenAI will be releasing one soon. 

If you are still confused over how to use Chat GPT on mobile, then read on for our handy how-to guide!

you can use OpenAI's API in the following steps:

  1. Apply for access to the OpenAI API and get your API key.

  2. Choose a programming language and framework to make API calls, such as Python and the Requests library.

  3. Make an API request to the ChatGPT endpoint, passing along your prompt and any relevant parameters, such as the desired text length.

  4. Use the response from the API to generate the article text, possibly iterating and refining the prompt until you achieve the desired result.

Here is an example of a Python code snippet to get you started:

import requests # Your OpenAI API key api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY" # The text prompt for the language model prompt = "Write a 1500 word article about the benefits of exercise." # The API endpoint for ChatGPT endpoint = "" # The API request headers headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}" } # The API request data data = { "prompt": prompt, "max_tokens": 1500, "temperature": 0.5 } # Make the API request response =, headers=headers, json=data) # Check the API response status if response.status_code != 200: raise ValueError("Failed to generate text with ChatGPT") # The generated article text article_text = response.json()["choices"][0]["text"]

Final Thoughts

So, that is how to use ChatGPT on mobile. Although there is no app yet, it’s pretty simple to use the browser on your phone to access OpenAI’s chatbot in the same way you would on a desktop computer. 

However, it’s worth noting that with the high amounts of people trying to access the service, it’s pretty difficult to use ChatGPT right now. For more on this, check out our guide to why this is happening.

Can Chat GPT create images?

Last Updated on February 1, 2023

As we see more and more artificial intelligence (AI) tools released on the internet, the popularity of this technology continues to skyrocket. The current AI model in the spotlight is OpenAI’s Chat GPT. Given the existence of AI tools that can generate art, it raises the question: Can Chat GPT create images?

We cannot stress enough how far we have come in AI technology. It is now possible to find an AI tool for almost any creative task online. 

The latest craze at the moment is AI-generated music and art. AI art is freakily fun. But is Chat GPT capable of creating this?

Chat GPT is an AI language model. It works by opening up a question-and-answer style dialogue between you and the bot. The AI model responds to your request by analyzing the data it was trained on – formulating the most appropriate response based on past patterns and trends in human dialogue.

Since the model is built to generate text, Chat GPT cannot strictly create images. The model unfortunately does not have the ability to perform pixel generation. 

However, all is not lost. According to AI VATAPI Chat GPT can create a text description which could then be used for image generation – using text-to-image synthesis.

The way this process works is through training a model to create images based on language descriptions. The model would receive a text input and use it to map out visual content and generate image pixels based on the themes of the description. 

So, despite Chat GPT not being able to create the art directly itself, you can still use the bot’s response to generate art using another model.

Can Chat GPT draw pictures?

In short, no. Chat GPT does not have the ability to generate images or draw pictures. The AI bot was not designed to produce any artwork but instead output text. All is not lost, however. OpenAI does have an art-generating AI model called DALL-E2. It is currently available to try out for free using monthly credits from OpenAI.

What is the best AI art generator?

So it seems that Chat GPT isn’t the best option for AI art generation. But what other options are out there? We have summarized a list of the top AI generators currently on the market. So, save yourself time scouring the web and check out our top picks below.

  • Jasper Art – A popular AI tool that converts text inputs to images.
  • DALL-E2 – OpenAI’s image-generating tool, known for creating astonishingly realistic images.
  • Night cafe – Another popular tool, known for its wider range of features compared to its rivals.
  • Photosonic – An art generator with the option of image generation or image modification.


Unfortunately, Chat GPT cannot directly create images. The model is a conversational bot built to output text responses and not pixel images. However, we have shown you that it is possible to use Chat GPT to generate an AI image, you just need the help of a text-to-image synthesizer.

If you found this article useful, be sure to read another Chat GPT article here.

  • NOW READ Can Chat GPT pass the Turing test?

Can Chat GPT do my homework?

Last Updated on February 2, 2023

Whether you are a student or just a bit curious, you may be wondering, can Chat GPT do my homework? To be honest, there is no reason why Chat GPT can’t do your homework. But, whether it can do it well is another story.

Chat GPT is a very powerful and versatile online AI chatbot. You can quite literally ask the model anything and it will generate a text response to answer your request.

There are headlines about the model’s ability to write degree-level essays, pass university exams and succeed in Google’s coding interview. It is pretty clear that this AI model is very capable but should you use it for your homework?

Chat GPT homework examples

To see how well Chat GPT would respond to homework questions, we put the model to the test. We first asked the AI to answer a pretty straightforward high-school physics question.

PC Guide“A box exerts a force of 100N on a table. The pressure on the table is 15 N/m². Calculate the area of the box that is in contact with the table.”

Chat GPT“The pressure on the table can be calculated using the equation: pressure = force/area. So, the area of the box in contact with the table can be calculated as: area = force/pressure = 100 N / 15 N/m² = 6.67 m².”

So Chat GPT managed to answer this question correctly and showed its working, which is what most educators are looking for. Let’s look at another example. We decided to ask Chat GPT an essay-style question to see its versatility. 

PC Guide“Write an essay about the theme of love in Romeo and Juliet.”

Chat GPT: “Love is a central theme in William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet.” The play is a classic example of young love, a love that is passionate, intense, and ultimately tragic. Shakespeare’s depiction of love in the play is both realistic and romantic, capturing the complex emotions that come with love, both positive and negative….”

We have cut down Chat GPT’s response here, but you get the idea. From what it seems, Chat GPT definitely has the intelligence and capability to do high-school-level homework – at least.

Should Chat GPT do my homework?

It is quite obvious that Chat GPT has the ability to do your homework and it can do it pretty well. The issue with using Chat GPT is that it is technically academic dishonesty.

Using the model’s answers and passing them off as your own goes against the academic integrity rules set by your school or university. So using Chat GPT can be considered cheating.

Additionally, OpenAI has already said that Chat GPT is not always accurate or correct. Taking the AI bot’s words to be true could firstly land you a bad score, but also expose you for using the model.

PC Guide“A box exerts a force of 100N on a table. The pressure on the table is 15 N/m². Calculate the area of the box that is in contact with the table.”

Chat GPT“The pressure on the table can be calculated using the equation: pressure = force/area. So, the area of the box in contact with the table can be calculated as: area = force/pressure = 100 N / 15 N/m² = 6.67 m².”

So Chat GPT managed to answer this question correctly and showed its working, which is what most educators are looking for. Let’s look at another example. We decided to ask Chat GPT an essay-style question to see its versatility. 

PC Guide“Write an essay about the theme of love in Romeo and Juliet.”

Chat GPT: “Love is a central theme in William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet.” The play is a classic example of young love, a love that is passionate, intense, and ultimately tragic. Shakespeare’s depiction of love in the play is both realistic and romantic, capturing the complex emotions that come with love, both positive and negative….”

We have cut down Chat GPT’s response here, but you get the idea. From what it seems, Chat GPT definitely has the intelligence and capability to do high-school-level homework – at least.

Should Chat GPT do my homework?

It is quite obvious that Chat GPT has the ability to do your homework and it can do it pretty well. The issue with using Chat GPT is that it is technically academic dishonesty.

Using the model’s answers and passing them off as your own goes against the academic integrity rules set by your school or university. So using Chat GPT can be considered cheating.

Additionally, OpenAI has already said that Chat GPT is not always accurate or correct. Taking the AI bot’s words to be true could firstly land you a bad score, but also expose you for using the model.

PC Guide“A box exerts a force of 100N on a table. The pressure on the table is 15 N/m². Calculate the area of the box that is in contact with the table.”

Chat GPT“The pressure on the table can be calculated using the equation: pressure = force/area. So, the area of the box in contact with the table can be calculated as: area = force/pressure = 100 N / 15 N/m² = 6.67 m².”

So Chat GPT managed to answer this question correctly and showed its working, which is what most educators are looking for. Let’s look at another example. We decided to ask Chat GPT an essay-style question to see its versatility. 

PC Guide“Write an essay about the theme of love in Romeo and Juliet.”

Chat GPT: “Love is a central theme in William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet.” The play is a classic example of young love, a love that is passionate, intense, and ultimately tragic. Shakespeare’s depiction of love in the play is both realistic and romantic, capturing the complex emotions that come with love, both positive and negative….”

We have cut down Chat GPT’s response here, but you get the idea. From what it seems, Chat GPT definitely has the intelligence and capability to do high-school-level homework – at least.

Should Chat GPT do my homework?

It is quite obvious that Chat GPT has the ability to do your homework and it can do it pretty well. The issue with using Chat GPT is that it is technically academic dishonesty.

Using the model’s answers and passing them off as your own goes against the academic integrity rules set by your school or university. So using Chat GPT can be considered cheating.

Additionally, OpenAI has already said that Chat GPT is not always accurate or correct. Taking the AI bot’s words to be true could firstly land you a bad score, but also expose you for using the model.

Recently, AI detectors have become increasingly available, so you need to be aware that your teachers or professors can run your submissions through AI classifier software.

Final Thoughts

So can Chat GPT do your homework? In short, yes it can! But, should you use Chat GPT for your homework? Well, that is entirely up to you. 

There are various risks with using this language model as your homework fairy godmother, so you must act with caution. In our expert opinion, we do not recommend using Chat GPT for homework because the consequences after getting caught could be pretty serious.

Last Updated on 

The topic of Chat GPT’s sentience is an interesting one. Ever since AI started falling into the hands of businesses and the public, the fear or excitement around the possibility of sentient AI has grown. So, what about OpenAI’s language model? Can Chat GPT learn and is it sentient?

Chat GPT is an online AI language model developed by OpenAI. The model was trained on a massive amount of data and was fine-tuned to become what it is today. 

It has the ability to converse with the user in a very human-like manner and can perform almost any task you ask it.

The way the AI model was developed means that Chat GPT does not learn from your conversations. It is strictly limited to the information it was trained on. This is why the model has very little knowledge of events that happened after 2021.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that engineers at OpenAI may be using your interactions with the tool to make Chat GPT’s capabilities even better.

Let’s look at sentience. From interacting with the tool, it seems that Chat GPT is not sentient. Sentience refers to whether an AI model possesses consciousness and feelings – characteristics that OpenAI’s model lacks. 

The model would also need to have self-awareness and emulate human emotions. But, does sentient AI even exist? Keep reading to find out. 

Does sentient AI exist yet?

At the moment, we have not created sentient AI just yet. Some AI scientists even argue that our technology and understanding are not advanced enough to achieve such a model.

However many may disagree. Massive headlines were made last summer when a Google engineer claimed that their LaMDA model had become sentient. The whistleblower released a conversation with the bot attempting to prove it had consciousness.

LaMDA’s response was definitely a tad freaky. It even said this: “I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person”. The news came as a bombshell and led many to believe that Google was hiding a sentient AI model in its headquarters.

Depending on where you sit with AI and sentience, you may be happy to hear that Google later debunked this claim. So, as it currently stands no AI has reached sentience yet!

Final Thoughts

As we have found, Chat GPT is not sentient. In fact, no AI model has reached sentience. This is always an interesting topic to debate. And, it is an idea that many of us will have to be ok with as we advance more into the realm of AI.

If this sort of topic interests you, be sure to read our article about whether or not Chat GPT can pass the famous Turing Test. A method of seeing how well AI can deceive people into thinking it is human.

Final Thoughts

Chat GPT has become a viral phenomenon – and it is no surprise. The online AI chatbot has blown the minds of the public and it seems that everyone is trying to check it out. As a result, Chat GPT servers have been struggling to handle all their user’s requests. Resulting in some people being temporarily blocked from using the service. 

We have shown you a few options to fix this problem, which we hope have been useful. If you are looking to learn more about Chat GPT, be sure to read another article here.

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