Nicola Bulley case full details – Nicola Bulley Case

Nicola Bulley Case full video

Nicola Bulley: Missing woman’s partner says family in ‘agony’ after body foundNicola Bulley’s partner has spoken of his family’s pain after a body was found in the river near where she disappeared three weeks ago.

Paul Ansell wrote that he had “no words right now, just agony”, in a statementmajor search.On Sunday, Lancashire Police said they “sadly recovered a body” from the water after being called to the River Wyre.

A statement said formal identification had not yet been carried out “so we are unable to say” if it was her at the time.The death is currently being treated as “unexplained” and officers have begun the process of identifying the body.

But Lancashire Police also said Ms Bulley’s family “have been informed of developments and our thoughts are with them at this most difficult of times”.In the statement to Sky, Mr Ansell added: “We’re all together, we have to be strong.

Former Lancashire Police chief superintendent Bob Eastwood defended the force’s investigation amid “an absolute onslaught” of criticism.

Asked how it was possible a body could be found a mile from Ms Bulley’s last known location – despite an extensive river search – he told BBC Breakfast that the river is tidal and fast flowing.

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