Ex de Gamarra of love with a "collagen"?: She replied

Ex de Gamarra of love with a "collagen"?: She replied

Rumors spread that Norma Benítez , known as the ex of "Colorado" Gamarra, is in love with someone much younger than her. She clarified that at the moment her heart is occupied by her children and that no one has yet conquered her. “Nooooooo. One is always meeting people but from there to having a relationship is much more difficult. The truth is that I always say that my heart is busy because I have my children, the 4 that I love with my soul, and my Fede, who is all that is good, " she commented to Popu.

She said that she is focused on her fit life. "The truth is how much happier I am I train and how much sadder I am I train so I am well at peace with God who never abandons me," she added.

He said that he has his life in mental balance and he doesn't need him, you know. He also advised the jiyis not to let themselves be trampled and seek to engage in umia exercises. "Hahahahahahaha I'm at peace I'm calm. I think it's all a matter of mental balance. To women who never let themselves be trampled, that if someone does not value them, they should go ahead trusting in themselves as beloved daughters of the Most High ," she declared.

He assured that he would have no problem hanging out with someone younger if he shows him that he is in love. “The truth is that age would not matter to him if he is a man with a frontal character, who fights for me. But I haven't arrived yet," he concluded.

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