KOSTA MONSTROUSLY KILLED A TALENTED YOUNG MUSICIAN: Among the victims was a boy who turned 14 two months ago
KOSTA MONSTROUSLY KILLED A TALENTED YOUNG MUSICIAN: Among the victims was a boy who turned 14 two months ago.
The injured boy showed interest in music from his earliest childhood, and he played the piano since he was six years old.
He was an excellent student, with all fives in his diary, and as his depressed friends from school stated, he should have been the student of the generation.
He was engaged in photography and making interesting videos, which he underlines with interesting music, and as his friends say, despite his many engagements, he always found time to hang out with his peers.
Kosta monstruozno ubio talentovanog mladog muzičara: Među žrtvama dječak koji je prije dva mjeseca napunio 14 godina, gradio budućnost, a onda.
Jedini dječak A. Č. (14) od osmoro djece koje je na licu mjesta u OŠ “Vladislav Ribnikar” hicima iz pištolja likvidirao Kosta Krsmanović (13), bio je poznati pijanista, bavio se tenisom i fotografijom.Osnovac A. Č., koji je 5.
marta napunio 14 godina, bio je dobitnik više prvih nagrada na nacionalnim i međunarodnim muzičkim takmičenjima, kao i dobitnik specijalne nagrade za izvođenje kompozicije Burgmuller Etude D-dur 2019.
godine. Takođe, on je nastupao na više koncerata i učestvovao na međunarodnom takmičenju.