courtney edwards accident – courtney edwards alabama video reddit

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The Alabama airline worker who died after being sucked into a plane engine at Montgomery Regional Airport on New Year’s Eve is being remembered as a “loving mother” of three children. 

Courtney Edwards, 34, has been identified as the ramp agent for Piedmont Airlines who the National Transportation Safety Board says was killed shortly after an Embraer 170 plane operated by Envoy Air landed with 63 passengers on board. 

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Courtney was a Ground Handling agent for Piedmont Airlines, a subsidiary of American Airlines, a loving mother of 3 kids and a wonderful daughter to her beloved mother, Natalie English of Montgomery, Alabama,” a GoFundMe page set up by a fellow union member says. “Please know that this tragedy has and will affect her mother, family, friends and kids for years to come.” 

Mum-of-three ‘violently’ sucked into plane’s engine as ‘American Airlines’ fined $15,000American Airlines subsidiary Piedmont Airlines was fined over $15,000 when a ground worker, mum Courtney Edwards, was sucked into the engine of a plane and killed

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