Raccoon dumpster fire video? Idausa Petition receives thousands of supporters amid recent case update

What is the Raccoon dumpster fire video? Sarasota woman found guilty of burning raccoon avoids prison, sentenced to work program.

Alicia Kincheloe, a native of Florida, was sentenced to a work program after her “raccoon dumpster” video alerted law enforcement. The 31-year-old was sentenced on October 19 after setting a raccoon on fire and sharing the video on Snapchat. Her father was arrested as well. Now, netizens have taken to the internet to demand more stringent action to be taken against her.

Trigger Warning: The following article details animal cruelty. Reader’s discretion is advised.

In August 2022, Alicia Kincheloe uploaded the jarring raccoon dumpster video on Snapchat. In the same, one could see the furry animal stuck inside a dumpster behind a restaurant

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The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that the animal was showing no signs of aggression. Kincheloe continued to accuse the animal of possibly having rabies while her father, Roddy, violently attacked the animal.

In another raccoon dumpster video, Alicia proceeded to pour gas on the helpless animal and set it on fire. While sharing the remains on Snapchat, she said- “We just toasted his a*s. Who’s hungry?”

Fortunately, law enforcement caught hold of the raccoon dumpster video, leading to Alicia and her father getting arrested on animal cruelty charges.

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