In recent days, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, has been the epicenter of an international incident involving foreign students studying in the country.

The situation escalated after a brawl between Kyrgyz and Egyptian students at a hostel on May 13, which was followed by a series of mob attacks targeting international students, particularly those from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. This is the video of the brawl between Egyptian and Kyrgyz students which occurred on May 13, 2024.

The conflict has resulted in at least 28 people injured, including three foreigners, according to the Kyrgyz government.

The number of international students in Kyrgyzstan has been steadily increasing, with more than 60,000 foreign students currently studying in the country. Among them, 15,000 Indians and 10,000 Pakistanis are the majority, with a significant number from Bangladesh and Egypt as well.

The recent incidents appear to reflect tensions in the Central Asian country over the increasing inflow of migrants from South Asia and Russia, which has been exacerbated by the Ukraine war and a wave of Russian migration to Kyrgyzstan following military mobilization in the country.

The attacks on international students have been condemned by the governments of India and Pakistan, with both countries urging their citizens to stay indoors and avoid any confrontations.

The Indian Consulate in Bishkek has advised students to stay in regular touch with the embassy, while the Pakistani government has summoned the Kyrgyz charge d’affaires to express its concerns and demand the safety and security of Pakistani students and citizens in the country

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