Patrick Bateman Skin in Fortnite – How can you get it


Fortnite collabs with the Bateman franchise. Patrick Bateman’s skin is coming in Fortnite. There is not much information about the Bateman skin of Fortnite but we will try to solve your queries in the best way.

Fortnite is difficult to judge because it’s famous because of its creativity. Fortnite is the most popular game present in globe. Its skin is fabulous to use, It always does a thing that is unpredictable.

People love superheroes that’s why Fortnite introduced the Bateman skin Fortnite to attract more players and become more popular. But people are searching for it because they want to know about it but epic didn’t announce it officially.

Many YouTubers make a video on it. I think till now Epic didn’t add a Patrick Bateman skin to the game. Because if Epic game does it they will do proper marketing and post a guideline on their website. But the question is how much does Petrick Bateman cost? and what accessories does Bateman’s skin contains?

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