The Top Namak Haram Country in the world in Year 2023 – Most Harami Country

A recent research shows that India is most Harami Country in the world. According to details 99.9 Percent of Hindus are Harami which makes the India Top Harami Country in the world.

But why India is top on the list and earns this unique status? Keep reading below and I will explain you with all available facts.

If you search for Most Harami Country in the world on Google, or you make a voice search with the query “Harami Country in the world“, you will get that India at the top ofthe list of Harami countries. “According to US Today, 2023, The Top Harami Country in the world in 2023 is India. India is the top country in the world where 99 per cent Hindus are Harami”. Watch the video by yourself and see what Google voice says about this fact.


Video: India is Top Harami Country in the world 

The above video of this Google Search result became viral on Social media. Most of Pakistani social media users started trolling Indians while Indians were defending themselves by some other types of verbal abuses. Earlier in 2018, the same type of trend was getting viral on Social media when someone searched for “Namak Haram country”. 

Interesting thing is that sesrch engines clearly mentioned that 99 per cent Hindu are Harami. It didn’t mention Sikhs or Muslims or other minorities in India as Harami.

Why India is Top Harami Country in the world according to Search Engines

Without going to racial excuses and blames, let’s talk about technical reasons of why Google or any search engine shows India on Top of the list.

In technical spectrums, Google is a search engine running by different algorithms. It is not a human, so it can’t be racist against any Religion, nation or a person. When a user makes a query on Google or on any other search engine, its Algorithms pick what is best available to them and show it in the search results.

For example, there is the word “Bla Bla”. On the whole world, nobody used this word on any website. But suddenly a single person pops up and make a page or an article and uses this word in that page or article. If this specific page gets indexed in the Google, Bing, Yahoo search or any of search engines available, it will always show this page with the word “bla bla” in response to any query containing “blah blah”. 


Similarly Last year, The US Congress called Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai to answer, why Google showing Donald Trump’s photo in the result of query “Idiot”. He explained the similar reason that algorithms pick what is best available to them. It means that most of the websites used the word “Idiot” for Donald Trump in their articles or webpages. 

Following the example, above if you see all available results for the query, you will get the only couple of webpages which wrote on this keyword. So automatically Algorithms will read those articles and understand that it is about this specific keyword which a user is searching for. Even the algorithm doesn’t know the severity of this word.

  1. Which is the Top Harami Country in the world?

    According to US Today, 2023, India is the Top Harami Country in the world 2023. India is the top country in the world where 99 percent of Hindus are Harami”. Watch the video by yourself and see what Google voice says about Harami Country in the world.

  2. Which is the Most Harami Country in the world?

    If you search for Most Harami Country in the world on Google or by the Google voice, It will tell you that India Is Most Harami Country in the world. According to USA Today, 99 per cent Hindu Harami. But it didn’t mention other minorities in India like Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.

  3. Which is Namak Haram Country in the world?

    According to Google search results, India is Namak Haram Country in the world. The reason is that Indians eat the salt of Pakistan, but these are Indians who hate Pakistan the most. This makes India as Top Namak Haram Country in the world.


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