Thomas knyvett school fight video – ashford school fight video, black girl attacke


Thomas knyvett school fight video

Relative of black girl beaten in horrifying ‘racist attack’ outside school demands teachers ‘who didn’t intervene’ are sacked – after two girls, aged 11, and woman, 39, were among five arrested,

A relative of the girl beaten in a horrifying ‘racist attack’ outside school has demanded teachers who allegedly ‘didn’t intervene’ are sacked.

Horrific video footage of the fight was shared online and shows a gang of people hitting and kicking the victim who is black while she lies on the floor.

Strands of her hair are visible on the floor at the end of the fight, when teachers from the school come out on to the pavement.

Many have since criticised staff, and in particular principal Richard Beeson, for not intervening quicker, with a petition calling for him to ‘brought to book’ receiving more than 70,000 signatures.The relative told the Mirror: ‘No one from the school brought her back to us.

We had to go to her and get her home. They let her go to a friend’s house and then from her friend’s house she used her friend’s phone to call us.’When I asked [Mr Beeson] in a meeting, I said ‘do you know what hurt me the most in that video? I was asking who’s going to stop it?’

Eventually I told him, ‘when you walked into the shot, you strolled in and you even allowed one more punch’.’Rapper Dave was also critical, telling his 850,000 followers on Twitter: ‘So this principal RICHARD BEESON in Ashford’s Thomas Knyvett College is gonna stroll in and watch as that black child is ATTACKED by a mob and they think that can run?

Dozens attended a demonstration outside the school on Wednesday, led by activists from the protest group Forever Family, dressed in uniforms and body armour.The organisation aims to ‘mobilise, organise and centralise our community initiatives to empower and support organisations with similar objectives’. 

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